Sunday, February 22, 2009

HONEST Conversations about Race!

 Honest Conversations about Race are happening all over Memphis in the form of "Common Ground Memphis". Sure, there are some people in there still shilling for the baddies, but, for the most part, and I mean "grossly" most part, there are real concerned citizens from all walks of life in there giving it their best and learning the truth and the myths, the real history and it's real effects versus the rumors and lies.
 That's a good start and after a few years, it will reach a critical mass of a certain degree of knowledge. It will have effect as it already has. Many projects are happening from the action plans that come out of the end of the project. It has already quadrupled in size and I bet it will exponentially increase and exceed all expectations if they keep it going as they have.

REGISTER If you aren't all talk.
 Be the change you wish to see!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

 Memphis has a few industries that are taking a big hit in the current economic climate which is not fully matured.
 Some of them could be paired with other industries in Memphis and outside Memphis to supply goods to the USA and to the world.
 You may have some ideas about what type of goods and services will be "called for" in the future.
 We could use our existing labor force. We may have to retrain many, that could be good news.

 Maybe some people have some ideas that haven't been aired about that and could make some suggestions for solutions.

 Right now "experts" are theorizing what economic recovery will look like and they have had ZERO success.

 I don't "know" what the recovery will look like, but, I'm willing to find out along the way collaboratively. I'd be willing to scrap the idea that Memphis exists and design a new one, not based on the old one, and get the city that we say is called for.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Welcome to New Solutions Group blog!

This is New Solutions Group blog!
This blog is dedicated to New Solutions in a changing world, in Memphis TN or in the USA or any other lace on earth.
 Earth is not that big.
 In this blog, you are elicited to come up with new solutions, not based on the past or necessarily on anything, but, New Solutions that will work now and into the future.
What you can do:
You can describe a situation that could use attention.
You can describe the problems you see with other comments or with posts.
You can describe solutions.
What you can't do:
You are asked to keep it clean. NO racist remarks, NO sarcasm, NO sexist remarks will be tolerated at all. Off topic posts will be removed, please stay on topic,, unless the solution requires "TOPIC DRIFT".
Naughty posts will be deleted and user blocked. There will be no dogging other bloggers or any other nonproductive type of comments.